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Banshee takes place in the fictional small town of Banshee, Pennsylvania. The series is based around an unnamed protagonist, who spent 15 years in prison after stealing $10 Million in diamonds from his employer, a Ukrainian mob boss called 'Rabbit'. Upon leaving prison, the protagonist realizes that Rabbit is still after him, and he escapes to a small town called Banshee. This is also the town that he believes his former lover and accomplice, Anastasia, is living in. Unbeknownst to him, she has also assumed a new identity (Carrie Hopewell) and is married with two children. In an attempt to start a new life, the protagonist assumes the identity of Lucas Hood, a police officer, and becomes the town sheriff. Banshee sees Hood struggle with adapting to his new identity while dealing with the machinations of local crime lord Kai Proctor, piecing together his relationship with Anastasia, and remaining hidden from Rabbit.
Season 1 focuses on Hood's attempts to restore his relationship with Carrie under the looming threat of Rabbit eventually finding them both. Hood quickly earns a reputation for himself as he does the job his own way, instead of following the rules. His deputies are increasingly suspicious of him and he is constantly at odds with Kai Proctor, and eventually gains the interest of the FBI. Eventually his well earned reputation leads Rabbit to Banshee. Hood gives himself up to Rabbit in the hopes that Rabbit will leave Carrie alone. However, he is saved by Carrie, his deputies and two of his criminal accomplices. Carrie shoots and seemingly kills Rabbit, but during a later investigation his body is not found. The season ends with the original Hood's son learning of his father's replacement by an impostor, Kai killing the town Mayor, and the discovery of the real Lucas Hood's corpse.
Season 2 places a larger focus on the Indian tribes and reservations in the town, including the tribal chief Alex Longshadow, whose attempts to build a casino and compete for power with Proctor draw the pair into a bloody conflict. Carrie is imprisoned for her role in the shootout that liberated Hood, and her past is publicly revealed, devastating her family and professional life. Hood and his deputies are put on probation for their involvement, but allowed to continue their duties. Hood, accepting that Carrie has focused on her family, enters into a relationship with his deputy Siobhan.The real Lucas Hood's son Jason arrives in Banshee, aware of the impostor Hood's identity theft. Hood helps the troubled Jason find a new life, but Proctor kills Jason for sleeping with his niece Rebecca, reigniting the conflict between Hood and Proctor.Proctor is eventually imprisoned based on Hood's illegal investigation, but freed when Longshadow, providing information to the police to keep Proctor locked away, is murdered by Rebecca. Meanwhile, upon learning that Rabbit is alive, Hood and Carrie track him down. They confront him and give him a gun and single bullet, which he uses to commit suicide. The season ends with Chayton Littlestone, the leader of the Indian Kinaho tribe, being informed of Longshadow's death.

Seaon 1

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Seaon 2
  Banshee S02 E01 (IRmusic).mkv
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  Banshee S02 E08 (IRmusic).mkv
  Banshee S02 E09 (IRmusic).mkv
  Banshee S02 E10 (IRmusic).mkv

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