The series explores the fictitious early life of Leonardo da Vinci during the renaissance in Italy. He is an eccentric genius who has struggled to deal with his inner demons and unruly imagination, as he yearns for acceptance from his estranged father. Their sometimes antagonistic relationship results in Leonardo working for the House of Medici. While there he becomes embroiled in a political scheme to control Florence, as he hunts for a spy who is revealing information to the Catholic Church and the Pazzi family. He also begins an affair with Lucrezia Donati who is the mistress of Lorenzo de' Medici. The series depicts many of Leonardo's inventions and subsequent works as a military engineer for the Duke of Milan and the Borgias.
These events coincide with Leonardo's quest to uncover the Book of Leaves. He is guided by a mystic to unlock the hidden areas of his mind by accessing the Fountain of Memory, as he gets involved with a mysterious cult known as the Sons of Mithras. They inform him that he has the power to not only see the future but to shape it.
Season 1
Da Vincis Demons S01 E01 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E02 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E03 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E04 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E05 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E06 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E07 (IRmusic).mkv Da Vincis Demons S01 E08 (IRmusic).mkv
Season 2
Da Vincis Demons S02E01 [Number1Music.Us].mkv
Da Vincis Demons S02E02 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E03 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E04 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E05 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E06 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E07 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E08 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E09 [Number1Music.Us].mkv Da Vincis Demons S02E10 [Number1Music.Us].mkv
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